Check out our dining services, meal plans, and more.
Dining 服务 are contracted through Sodexo. They provide a full-service food operation to meet the needs of resident and commuting students, 教师, 工作人员, and their guests. Meals are available in the Susan Linville Dining Hall, located in the center of the residence halls, as well as the WOW Cafe and We Proudly Serve Starbucks locations on the 1st floor of the Student Center. Full catering services are also available. Hours of operation are posted on location at the beginning of each semester.
To learn more about Coker Dining, visit Sodexo’s Coker Dining page.
All students living in college-managed housing are required to purchase a meal plan.
学生 may choose either a 21-meal plan or a 14-meal plan. Residents of the Downtown Flats and the Residential Village have the additional option of a 7-meal plan.
All plans can be used for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the Linville Dining Hall.
Each available meal plan also includes a preset CobraCash amount that can be used at any of the food outlets on campus, as well as a limited number of off-campus restaurants.
Commuter students may elect to purchase one of three available residential meal plans or the Commuter Block Plan.
Commuter students who do not wish to purchase a meal plan may use the CobraCash option described below.
See the general manager of Dining 服务 in the Linville Dining Hall or the Residence Life Office for more information regarding these options.
Every student who purchases one of the residential meal plans also receives a preset amount each semester on his or her Coker University ID.
Commuter students may also add CobraCash funds to their IDs if they choose to do so. The ID card will work like a bank debit card at on-campus dining facilities and selected off campus restaurants. 学生 can recharge their IDs with additional CobraCash in the Dining 服务 Office (located in Coker Hall), 在网上 科克.campuscardcenter.com or at the Student Accounts Office in the Student Solution Center.For more information visit 科克.sodexomyway.com